Arnholm, Elin Maria

Birth Name Arnholm, Elin Maria
Gender female
Age at Death 74 years, 10 months, 8 days


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Arnholm, Johan Henrik1844-06-281905-06-11
Mother Gustafsdotter, Emma Christina1855-01-281927-02-25
    Sister     Arnholm, Ragnhild Augusta 1880-08-16 1937-04-22
    Sister     Arnholm, Tyra Lovisa Kristina 1881-08-02
    Brother     Arnholm, Karl Gustaf 1883-12-16 1961-01-01
    Brother     Arnholm, Johan Gabriel 1885-09-20 1967-01-13
    Sister     Ahrnholm, Matilda Elisabet 1889-06-12 1943-09-16
         Arnholm, Elin Maria 1892-02-24 1967
    Brother     Arnholm, David Oskar 1894-03-23 1976-11-28
    Brother     Arnholm, Martin Natanael 1896-09-20
    Sister     Ahrnholm, Rut Naemi 1900-06-15 1981-12-26


Family of Karlsson, Einar and Arnholm, Elin Maria

Unknown Partner Karlsson, Einar ( * 1889 + 1931-02-27 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage between 1919 and 1923 Kongo    
Name Birth Date Death Date
Karlsson, Elvy1923-11-032004-09-17
Karlsson, Aina Berit Elisabeth1926-11-051993-05-25
Arnholm, Bengt-Einar1930-12-262012-04-28
Type Value Notes Sources
REFN 191


1/4 - D:/Dropbox/Scion/images/P279.jpg
2/4 - D:/Dropbox/Scion/images/P279kong1.jpg
3/4 - D:/Dropbox/Scion/images/P279kong2.jpg
4/4 - D:/Dropbox/Scion/images/P279mission.jpg


Type Value Notes Sources
REFN 279

Family Map
