Hörbergsson, Johan Gustaf

Birth Name Hörbergsson, Johan Gustaf
Gender male
Age at Death 47 years, 4 months, 22 days


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Hörberg, Per1746-01-311816-01-24
Mother Ericsdotter, Maria1745-12-091828-03-29
    Brother     Hörbergsson, Peter Marjanis 1770-09-23 1822-12-01
    Sister     Hörberg, Anna Catrina 1772-05-29 1773-09-14
    Sister     Hörberg, Helen Juliana 1774-06-09 1774-12-12
    Brother     Hörbergsson, Fredrik 1776-01-09 1797-12-07
         Hörbergsson, Johan Gustaf 1779-07-14 1826-12-05


Family of Hörbergsson, Johan Gustaf and Carlsdotter, Anna

Married Wife Carlsdotter, Anna ( * 1787-10-25 + 1875-02-03 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1807-12-27 Risinge, Finspångs kommun, Östergötlands län, Sverige    
Name Birth Date Death Date
Hörberg, Maja Catharina1808-06-02
Hörberg, Johanna1810-03-291855-12-11
Hörberg, Peter1813-08-271813
Type Value Notes Sources
REFN 525


Type Value Notes Sources
REFN 1500

Family Map