Adlerstierna, Dorotea

Birth Name Adlerstierna, Dorotea
Gender female
Age at Death 26 years


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1680      
Death 1706      


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Löfman, Sven1645-101708-04-27
Mother Hilletan, Sigrid16671745-06-05
    Brother     Adlerstierna, Henrik 1679-09-07
         Adlerstierna, Dorotea 1680 1706
    Brother     Adlerstierna, Johan 1681-05-19 1710-11-21
    Brother     Adlerstierna, Hans 1683-04-12 1709-05-01
    Sister     Adlerstierna, Ingeborg 1685-07-06 1775-05-06
    Brother     Adlerstierna, Gabriel 1688-08-10 1767-12-04
    Brother     Adlerstierna, Jacob 1691-07-20 1753-06-04
    Sister     Adlerstierna, Anna Christina 1698 1734-11-05
    Sister     Adlerstierna, Elsa Sigrid 1701 1781-05-13
    Brother     Adlerstierna, Carl 1703 1750
    Sister     Adlerstierna, Sofia Lovisa 1704
    Sister     Adlerstierna, Sigrid 1705 1731-08-17


Family of Rosenvall, Peter and Adlerstierna, Dorotea

Unknown Partner Rosenvall, Peter ( * + ... )
Type Value Notes Sources
REFN 357


Type Value Notes Sources
REFN 1043