Ericson, Håkan Eric

Birth Name Ericson, Håkan Eric
Gender male


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Ericson, Eric Hjalmar Issis1901-12-17
Mother Winberg, Karin Ingeborg Maria1902-07-031988-01-02
    Sister     Ericson, Birgitta Karin 1939-06-30 1939-07-06
    Brother     Ericson, Håkan Eric 1939-06-30 1939-07-05
         Ericson, Håkan Eric
    Brother     Ericson, Lennart Karl


Family of Ericson, Håkan Eric and Ahlzén, Ann-Gerd Elisabeth

Unknown Partner Ahlzén, Ann-Gerd Elisabeth ( * + ... )
Name Birth Date Death Date
Ericson, Johan Eric
Ericson, Carlotta Lotta Maria
Ericson, Helena Anna
Type Value Notes Sources
REFN 1128