Ehrenpreus, Christina Maria

Birth Name Ehrenpreus, Christina Maria
Gender female
Age at Death 43 years


Event Date Place Description Sources
Birth 1712      
Death 1755      


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father Ehrenpreus, Joachim1667-11-041741-02-12
Mother Hilletan, Anna1721-10-24
    Sister     Ehrenpreus, Sara Britta 1694-10-19 1723-08-23
    Brother     Ehrenpreus, Johan Gabriel 1695 1696
    Brother     Ehrenpreus, Nils 1697-02-07 1738-03-22
    Brother     Ehrenpreus, Carl 1698 1699
    Sister     Ehrenpreus, Sigrid Katarina 1699-05-08 1757-10-27
    Sister     Ehrenpreus, Elsa Elisabet 1700 1710
    Brother     Ehrenpreus, Joachim Fredrik 1702 1768
    Brother     Ehrenpreus, Hans 1703 1706
    Brother     Ehrenpreus, Carl 1705 1733
    Sister     Ehrenpreus, Anna Christina 1706 1787
    Sister     Ehrenpreus, Agneta 1707 1772
    Sister     Ehrenpreus, Eva 1710 1735
         Ehrenpreus, Christina Maria 1712 1755
    Brother     Ehrenpreus, Fredrik 1714-02-17 1794-02-26


Family of Wetterberg, Jöns and Ehrenpreus, Christina Maria

Married Husband Wetterberg, Jöns ( * 1689 + 1735 )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 1732 Huskvarna, Hakarps socken, Tveta härad, Jönköpings län, Sverige    
Type Value Notes Sources
REFN 371


Type Value Notes Sources
REFN 1079